Brazilian Association of Homeopathy in Agriculture and Environment

The Brazilian Association of Homeopathy in Agriculture and the Environment - Abhama, together with UDESC, EPAGRI, FAPESC and other partner institutions, is pleased to invite you to participate in the 1st Brazilian Congress of Homeopathy in Agriculture and the Environment - 1st CBHAA , which will be held from November 20th to 23rd, 2024, at the State University of Santa Catarina/CAV, Lages - SC.
This event will bring together experts, researchers, professionals and enthusiasts in the field of Homeopathy to discuss and share knowledge about the application of Homeopathy in agriculture and the environment. Our objective is to promote the exchange of experiences on Integrative Homeopathy, encourage homeopathic science and encourage sustainable practices that benefit agriculture and preserve our ecosystem.
Congress Highlights:
Lectures with renowned experts in homeopathy and sustainable agriculture;
Oral presentation and Poster Sessions to present research and case studies;
Round tables for interactive discussions and exchange of ideas;
Abhama General Assembly.
We invite all interested parties to register, submit their work and join us in this enriching event.
Registration will begin soon and we will soon make the link and other information available.
We will soon provide the link for submission and other information.
Email: cbhaa.2024@gmail.com
20 a 23/11/24

Prazo de submissão prorrogado até 15/10/2024
Homeopatia Integrativa: Cuidando da Saúde das Pessoas, dos Animais, das Plantas e do Ambiente
Contribuindo com a Inclusão
Em todas as sessões plenárias e Mesas Redondas haverá intérpetre de libras